Complimentary Delivery On Orders Over $200 within Perth Metro Area
Complimentary Delivery On Orders Over $200 within Perth Metro Area
Address for the pick-ups is 31 Bugendore St, Maida Vale, 6057, WA.
A minimum of 5 hours’ notice is required for order pick up on weekdays and a minimum of 3 hours on weekends.
Pick up time can be selected at checkout.
Days: Monday – Sunday
Time: 9:00 - 21:00

Perth Metro Delivery:
Delivery is conducted within 2 days after order placement. Perth Metro Area delivery acquires an additional fee of $20.
Closing time for orders is 21:00 for the 2 days delivery frame.
Days: Monday-Sunday (weekend delivery is available)
Time: 9:00 - 21:00